Can i drive?

8th grade...... wow weird to think that it has been 3 years already !!!! well ask my parents i am already asking if i can drive the car ! many of you might be thiking wow SCARY but no i drove once like maybe 2 feet from the end of the block to grandma's and if i do say so my self i did pretty darn good hahaha so im really tired of geometry and sapnish and every other subject i have in school it should start at like 1 and we could go to like 15min of each class and then they could just take roll and then we could leave it would be the greatest thing EVER!! any one agree?
soooooooooooo i just had my friend makenzi read the last post and she thought it wuz funny so you all shold too !

I am now a true ninja ( i have a master and everthing )

Okay me and my friend makenzi are really bored on the computer and we are iming each other right. are you following this ?? well whatever . so i am totally like stuffing my face with cheetos right ! and i say to her you need to tell me to stop eating so i dont get big and fat so she ssya s you have to stop eating it is the only way to be a ninja .... and i wuz like really okay then i will stop eating and she wuz like what do you want your name to be and i wuz like noodle - ninja and she is master mon-cooko and now she is teaching me how to be a ninja
ok get this my parents decied to go to spokane and then did not take me wiht them is that cruel or what ??? i am sooooooooooooooo bored know @ my grandma's and i have been sitting here doing nothing !! I AM REALLY BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i get to make some cookies to put on a christmas tree after dinner sooooooooooo yeah i geuss that is good enough 4 me !! :-)


HEY WHAT IS UP???? i am soooo bored i thought i would make a new post i am totally a boring person arent i ??? well what is up ?? WAIT u cant answer me cause i don't know who is reading this !! LOL i am soooooooooooo funny ! jk i am one of the weridest people i know ! besides my friend sara and my other friend annalise we all luv each other i am over at my grndma's house and i am watching the new hannah montana if that doesnt prove how totally bored i am then nothing will !!


Me and my bff sara are spazzing out because HMS3 came out this weekend and we went and saw it might i add it was totally AWESOME !!!!!!! oh and we are also not going to drink anything when we go see twlight because then we won;t have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie !!!

EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh sry i just ate one of grandma's browines they make me hyper )


I have been getting emails from some of my friends to write a new post so i am HERE YOU GO !! alll better now ?? i jsut wanted to let everyone know that my great grandpa just passed away and it has been hard latley but we all know he is out of his pain and in a better place ! he had i think it was alhimziers diease but anyways we are goign to get throutgh this rough pacth. i don't like to think about the way he died but rather the great life he lived! if only we had to go through the struggles he did then we would never take anything for granted and the world would be a better place !