Me and my bff sara are spazzing out because HMS3 came out this weekend and we went and saw it might i add it was totally AWESOME !!!!!!! oh and we are also not going to drink anything when we go see twlight because then we won;t have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie !!!

EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh sry i just ate one of grandma's browines they make me hyper )


I have been getting emails from some of my friends to write a new post so i am HERE YOU GO !! alll better now ?? i jsut wanted to let everyone know that my great grandpa just passed away and it has been hard latley but we all know he is out of his pain and in a better place ! he had i think it was alhimziers diease but anyways we are goign to get throutgh this rough pacth. i don't like to think about the way he died but rather the great life he lived! if only we had to go through the struggles he did then we would never take anything for granted and the world would be a better place !

Just Random and new email

what everyone !!! i hav not made a new post in a long time sooooooooooooooooooo i decied i would how is the world i am in the 7th grade and rockin it ! what is new in your world ?? Jk u can't right back just wanted to let you know that i have a new email address and you can ask me for it if you want it !